Saturday, December 13, 2008


Identify extreme for potential sectors
Patiently plan the buy price range and setup all orders ahead of the expected move
Bear in mind that you can never enter the market at lowest point, or highest point; therefore, use price range is the best idea.
? How to determine highest price:
? How to determine lowest price:
Sell part of shares when there is bounce and then buy is back at the price lower than sold price

Patiently plan the sell price range and setup all orders ahead of the expected move

Bear in mind that you can never enter the market at lowest point, or highest point; therefore, use price range is the best idea.
? How to determine highest price:
? How to determine lowest price:
buy part of shares when there is down

Diligently review it out towards the cycle end

Don’t simply take profit. However, remember that you don’t have to try and sell at the top, just somewhere close to it.

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